While some dog owners will chuckle at the following, saying the only reason to purchase such a pooch would be to show it, we have to admit that they are all gorgeous dogs. They may be out of our price range but, for the right buyer, they are truly prizes! Check out how much some of these beauties cost. WOW!
Akita: Price: $1,500–$5,000
Hailing from the land of the rising sun, this Japanese import is known for fierce loyalty and extreme intelligence, as well as bringing good luck.
Canadian Eskimo Dog: Price: $3,000–$6,000
One of oldest purebreds from the North American continent, one might momentarily mistake them for wolves.Pharoah Hound: Price: $2,500–$6,500
The name conjures images of ancient Egyptian leaders, and it’s appropriate given that this hound is one of the world’s oldest domesticated dog breeds.Rottweiler: Price: $2,000–$8,000
These four-legged protectors are known for their patience, and you may need to be patient saving up to purchase one! Considered the most versatile of all breeds, they get used as fierce first responders by police, military, customs agents, and more.Lowchen: Price: $5,000–$8,000
If this dog’s appearance makes you feel like singing “The Circle of Life,” it’s because Lowchen means “little lion” in German.English Bulldog: Price: $2,500–$9,000
Despite being known for a large number of health problems, the funny faces and silly antics of these characters make them one of the most popular dogs in the United States.Samoyed: Price: $4,000–$11,000
Smile! A dog renowned for their ability to curl those happy lips, the “Samoyed smile” has invariably earned this entry their higher price point.Cavalier Charles King Spaniel: Price: $1,000–$14,000
If you’re looking for a smaller dog when you write that large check, or a dog that isn’t as difficult to train, you can’t go wrong with the endearing Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.French Bulldog: Price: $1,400–$3,000
Hugely popular—even, yes, trendy—the French bulldog will set you back a pretty penny. But they sure are adorable, aren’t they?Tibetan Mastiff: Price: $5,000–more than a million bucks!
Not only one of the most intelligent breeds in existence, this sturdy, well-mannered pooch is not for the frugal. The reserved, regal bearing and aloof appearance might make you think they’ve come from a monastery from their country of origin.
Who knew a Rottweiler could be so expensive? We really must look at our neighbor with a bit more deference! There is, of course, much more to learn and read up on when it comes to the expensive breeds above. You can start with Daily Treat.
While they are all beautiful dogs we cannot help being happy with our little mixed breed at home. Still, if you've got the cash and want a truly special pure-bred pup we hardily recommend any of the above!