The Reason Why Dogs Enjoy Riding in a Car so Much Will Make You Smile

Fur babies really ask so little of us. They want love and attention like any other child. However, if you are having a bad day and ignore them, while they will be temporarily upset, they always bounce back and are ready for a new happy time with their Mommy or Daddy.

When it comes to gifts or taking a walk they love the rush of both for varying reasons!

Then there is the occasional car trip. You grab your keys and suddenly their ears perk up and they are ready to jump in. No one really has ever asked dog experts why a dog wants to go for a car ride, why it seems so important to them, but we can make a few educated guesses.

Go to the next page and read what the professionals think about something we’ve always wondered about. It may be obvious but there really are layers to the doggie in car oddity!

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