We have seen it time and again. Our young children have friends come over for a few hours then, when it comes time for them to part, the tears start. Such fun was had by the little ones that the thought of being separated from their playmate is just too much.
Our human children are not the only ones that get separation anxiety! Hilariously, we have a great video of a peeved pug telling one and all he is not yet ready for his companion to depart! He thought they were going out for a walk together but little did he know that his friend was leaving!
He thought they were going out for a walk together but little did he know that his friend was leaving!
After the break, go to the next page and take a look at a sweet puggy that must have had a great time with this buddy. His reaction to his companion’s departure is a bit over the top. He’s very vocal but too funny!
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